Sunday, February 2, 2025

Modi, the Leader

Modi’s enthralling magical speech in Madison Square Garden charmed not only NRIs, Indians at home, US Senators present at the meeting but all the people in the world who cared to listen to an emerging leader of the world. His committed approach and public speaking skills and strategies are perhaps next only to Gandhi who made India of myriad kingdoms fight the mighty British Empire with bare hands and achieve success.

Modi has achieved what all he wanted by impressing NRIs to ‘Make in India’, to tour India at will and to return to a new India where their life would be not very different from that of the US in course of time. But the challenges are many.

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It is great and gratifying that we could reach Mars cost effectively but that is not the situation in many other fields. We are good not only at Space Science but at Nuclear Science and Computer Software fields too. Corruption, not having a socially responsible or moral outlook or patriotism and lack of quality education are only some of the challenges in the country. In the field of education our performance is awful. It is well known that our universities do not figure in the list of good universities in the world. With due respect to the faculty let me say that the research done here is next to nothing though the very same people achieve a lot after migrating to other countries!

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Mr Modi’s hopes on youth and his thrust on the development of their skills is laudable as it is the need of the hour. I respect his commitment and honor his vision. But I wish to leave a word of caution regarding the skills of our youth on which so much depends. For four decades I served rural Professional and non Professional Undergraduate students as an English Lecturer. It might be an unbelievable rude shock for many to know that some of my students cannot write even a letter in spite of passing several examinations in English and attaining good marks. (I do not want to comment on a few of my colleagues’ abilities in English). This is in total contrast to the urban students who are from educated families and go to good schools and colleges. A rural undergraduate student looks in awe and is puzzled at the communication skills of a play school child of the urban area.

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Developing quality education is a primary requisite to research which in turn develops new technology which can be used by industry for producing more and better products cost effectively. In other words, to develop national wealth we should take care of education.

Let the planners of skill development schemes keep these things in mind. Lest it may become a kill development programme as has been happening for decades in our country. The New Education Policy, planned to make our students globally competitive, if implemented well, may solve most our problems in the field of education and there by contribute to the development of the nation.

Also read: Ancient Indian Glory – Fact or Fiction?

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur had been a Lecturer in English. He is a poet, critic and translator. His interests are Literature, Philosophy and social media.
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