Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Is it that place, where he said he fell once,
but soon on his feet to make his strides?
Is that the garden he described ere,
now you’re staring at
with great disbelief and joy?
Oh, this flower, he praised before
of its rare fragrance
now you are holding tenderly in your hands
looking at it with great amazement…it must be!

Also read: THE ORPHAN

I think this is that juicy fruit
he often talked about so much
…is it that delicious?

Now you know
for you, there is no need to look back
no need to worry about your foreground…
half tasted, a good part tested;
has well confirmed …
Yes, you’re walking
on your Great Guru’s path!

Also read: THE SWAN

Mydavolu Venkata Sesha Sathyanarayana, who writes with the pen name MAHATHI, is a renowned Indian English poet. He has been on a mission to popularize Indian epics and philosophy, through his poems and long poems; especially in Western countries. He basically composes metrical verses in classical style, though not averse to composing free verses. His books FINDING THE MOTHER (SRI SUNDARA KANDA), HARE KRISHNA, OCEAN BLUES and THE GANGES AND OTHER POEMS are very popular and brought him great name and fame. His poems are published in a number of Indian and American print magazines. Poet's phone number: +91 93093 76172
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